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Career Training Challenges: Time: Home


A recent study finds that Americans have more free time than generally recognized. On average more than 5 hours of free time each day, with men generally having more free time than women. Since the pandemic, the average time spent in leisure and sports activities increased by 32 minutes per day, from 5.0 hours in 2019 to 5.5 hours per day in 2020. Leisure time increased by an average of 37 minutes per day for men and 27 minutes for women. This increase partly reflects a decline in average work time as the share of the employed population fell during the pandemic and a decrease in the average time individuals spent traveling.

Since lack of time has been the #1 common challenge cited by patrons, this activity will help take a deep dive into populations' typical day to identify open leisure time. Project SANDI is offering life-changing career opportunities that would require anywhere between 8- 15 weeks of training.

Tools for Assignment: 

  • Module 1 Worksheet: Job Seeker Persona
  • A Day in the Life Worksheet 


  1. Use your persona worksheet from Module 1. Using your first module personas profile, describe a typical day in this individual's life. This will help you gain a deeper understanding of the everyday problems people face. 
  2. Include an activity, how they feel, where they are, other people involved, concerns, and any technology that can help.
  3. Submit the completed worksheet to
  4. Once received, your worksheet will be posted on our discussion board for this assignment

A Day in The Life Assignment

Part A: Worksheet

Submit completed worksheet to:

Part B: Discussion Board


Click here to visit Discussion Board