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Resilient Industries Assignment : Home


Tools for Assignment: 

  • SANDI Virtual Field Trip Roster -Select one occupation for each industry.
  • OnetFind the Onet profile for each occupation to help you learn about the occupation and fill out your worksheet.



  1. Select 5 occupations from the SANDI Virtual Field Trip Roster. One occupation from each resilient industry in Nevada.  
  2. Answer the following questions for each occupation:
    1. What industry 4.0 tools or STEM Skills must an individual master in this occupation?
    2. What makes this occupation automation resilient (What makes it Human Work)?
  3. Submit the completed worksheet to
  4. Visit the discussion board for part B instructions.

Understanding Resilient Industries Assignment

Part A: Worksheet

Submit completed worksheet to:

Part B: Discussion Board

Click here to visit Human Work Discussion Board

Worksheet 3 submissions

Completed Worksheets

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