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Archive: Using the Nevada Career Explorer: Unwanted Tab

What is the Nevada Career Explorer (NVCE)?

The Nevada CareerExplorer is powered by Headed2 is the precision career navigation system designed to provide Nevadans with career exploration and planning resources to find gainful employment or transition to a new field. The NVCE and the enhanced features are part of project SANDI's modern workforce system and integrate career navigation with case management and online training links. Users will find an easy-to-understand presentation of information with an intuitive interface throughout the system to provide patrons with easy access to accelerated training and education for in-demand, living-wage occupations, and entrepreneurial pursuits. Behind the Career Explorer's engaging interface are some of the most extensive career databases available today, including self-assessments from O*Net, over 900 occupations, real-time job listings from direct employers, certification and graduate education profiles, and new skills decoder feature.

The well-curated and well-displayed research database is designed to promote local labor markets and training opportunities for:

  • Nevada's priority industries and career clusters
  • To highlight the necessary corresponding credentials and certifications
  • Point people to local and statewide workforce development resources and employment opportunities

The career exploration activities for every user are stored in the individual's user portfolio and can be used to create their Individual Career Map (ICM).



Nevada Career Explorer Account Types


   Explorer Accounts

Explorers are students or dislocated, underemployed, and new job seekers looking to explore and begin planning for new career opportunities. A Nevada library card is required to create an NVCE account. 

If a patron does not have a library card, they can apply in person at their local library or online and have one in minutes.

Find a library using the Nevada Library Directory


   Navigator Accounts

A Navigator is someone working with Explorers on their career journey. All Community of Practice workforce professionals will be NVCE Navigators. Navigators will also need a Nevada library card and an email address to create a Navigator account.


Registration/Create an Account





General Site Navigation



Navigators can now switch their views between Navigator and Explorer modes. This function enables navigators to view the platform as an Explorer. This function is controlled via a toggle next to the search box on your homepage.


The Navigator  toolbar:





The Explorer toolbar:





The toolbar will allow the user to access all core functionality easily.

The top menu features include:

  1. Lesson Toolbar: Any active lessons and their progress will be shown here

  2. : Access to messages, notifications, and alerts

  3. : Direct access to all features and tools in the platform

  4. Profile: Access to all profile management tools

  5. Users: Link to user management tools

  6. Lessons: Link to lesson management tools

  7. CareerHub: A central repository of your saved icons  for Explorers 

  8. Navigator Dashboard: for Navigators 

  9. : Quick link to help section.




'I want to...' Function


The 'I want to' option gives the user access to all features and tools available on the platform. The parts are segmented into searchable categories, offer a recently visited feed, and include popular feature recommendations.





Navigator Dashboard

The Navigator Dashboard shows a complete statistical overview of their account. This includes an assignment overview, user overview, update feed, profile completion overview, and essential links to areas in the system.




Individual Career Map (ICM) Features for Explorers 




The career exploration activities for every user are stored in the individual's user portfolio and can be used to create their Individual Career Map (ICM).  


Skills Decoder

The Skills Decoder is a new assessment to translate work experience and skills into competencies, which are then converted into badges and credentials and, later, flexibly bundled into certifications and degree programs. Explorers can input their experience and objective based on their stage. The skills decoder allows the system to show the Explorer a collection of skills they possess based on their experiences. 





Assessments and Tools for Explorers 



Interest Profiler

Using the Interest Profiler discover what your interests are and how they relate to the world of work. The Interest Profiler helps you decide what kinds of occupations and jobs you might want to explore based on your interests.



Work Importance Profiler

The Work Importance Profiler allows an individual to discover how much they value achievement, independence, recognition, relationships, support, and working conditions in a job and view a list of jobs that reflect their values.


Budget Your Life

Forming a budget is one of the most critical parts of financial success. The budget tool is designed to create a budget from both a starting salary and the users' lifestyle choices to meet the needs of all types of Explorers.



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